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  • Polaroid Magnets

What better way to keep track of memories than to put photos up of you and your family? What’s more, you can have them be functional and usable as well, aside from just being decorative. See your family and loved one’s memories every time you take a trip to the beloved family fridge.

How To Make It

Scan or digitally transfer your favorite prints onto your computer, where you can scale them down significantly, leaving enough space for white borders around the photographs. You can use the software as basic as Paint that all computers have pre-installed.

Print them on shiny white poster boards or photo paper and cut them into tiny Polaroid-shaped pictures. Next, use super glue or a glue gun to secure the tiny pictures onto tiny magnets that are purchasable online. This simple craft is both style and function.

  • Key Chains

One thing everyone has in common is keys. We all have keys of one form or another. Whether it’s to a car, to our homes, and even safes. One of the best gift ideas for the whole family is heartfelt styled key chains that they can take everywhere with them.

How To Make It

This requires little to no effort in making. All you’ll need are charms or personal effects that hold meaning for you and the receiver of the gift, and of course, their keys. Charms and tiny souvenirs are easily found online, things such as tiny bottles filled with beach sand, ceramic seashells, and many more options.

You can choose to simply attach the charm of the tiny object onto the keys metal loop, being that most of these items come with their own chains and clasps. If not, you can use a hand drill to create a small hole with which a thread or small chain can be looped through. And with those easy steps, you’ve got a simple but special DIY gift.

  • Photo Album

Because of the presence of the internet and technology in our lives, it’s so much easier to pass and share our family photos of our kids and parents, making it virtually impossible to make gift ideas centered around photos. However, anyone can appreciate a photo album decorated by hand that’s the centerpiece of any living room.

How To Make It

This DIY gift is all about the sentimentality of memories and the feelings they bring to us. With scrapbooks so easily found and purchased, it isn’t difficult to find the perfect one. The DIY gift aspect of this craft is all about customization. Bookstores and the internet are stocked with stickers and scrapbooking items to make your photo album one to remember.

Write down a caption for each photo and detail the memories you have underneath them. Draw over the photos with metallic or glittery makers and have the kids join in for that natural and innate creativity. This is a great gift that visitors can enjoy at the coffee table that digital copies and smartphones pale in comparison to.

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